Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapters 5-6

How would you have reacted if the Tucks had kidnapped you? Explain your answer in complete sentences, with details. Remember to capitalize! Use at least five (5) of your vocabulary words in your blog post. Underline the vocabulary words in your post.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chapters 2-4

Winnie Foster
  • Reread Chapter 3. Make a list of three adjectives that describe Winnie Foster. Include a detail for each adjective to show why you chose it.

The stranger arrives at the Fosters' gate.
  • Many people like to believe in magic and magical things. For example, some people might keep a magic coin or a rabbit's foot for good luck. Others might believe in astrology or fortune tellers and mediums. Winnie's grandmother believed that the music they heard the evening the stranger came to the gate was elf music. What reasons might she have for believing that? Explain your ideas in detail!

Mae Tuck
  • Mae Tuck had a special music box that she always carried with her. Do you have anything special that you always keep with you? Describe it and explain why you keep it with you. Does it bring you good luck? Is it magical?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pre-Reading Blog

In the book you are going to read, Tuck Everlasting, some of the characters seem to be living forever. They have not grown or changed for almost a hundred years. If living forever meant you had to stay exactly as you are now, would you choose to live forever? Why or why not?

Read and comment on the blogs of at least two of your classmates. %0% of your grade will come from posting your blog, and the other 50% will be based on the comments you post on your classmates' blogs. You cannot make simple comments such as "I agree," or "You are right," or other comments like this. You must explain your opinions in detail in order to get full credit!