Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Summary of Chapters 10-12

With a partner, discuss the main events in chapters 10-12, and write a summary of those chapters, focusing on the main events that occurred in each chapter. Write your summary in a Google doc. Include details about Mae and Angus Tuck's attitudes toward living forever, and how their attitudes are different. Conclude your summary with a statement, two or three sentences, of the central idea of these three chapters.

Embed your summary in a new post on your Tuck Everlasting blog.

Friday, November 2, 2012

MindMapr Chapters 6-9

  • Using MindMapr, write three main events each from chapters 6-9. 
  • Export your map and save it in your ELA folder on your H-drive.
  • Embed the map into a blog post.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Video Clip 1

  • After watching the video clip, use bullets to make a  list of the differences between the novel and the film version.
  • Why do you think the screenwriter, director, and/or producer of the movie decided to make these changes? Write a brief paragraph detailing your ideas.
  • Read and comment on at least two of your peers' blog posts.