Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Venn Diagram

  • Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the film version of Tuck Everlasting  with the chapters we have read so far in the novel.
  • Embed your Venn Diagram in a blog post on your Tuck Everlasting blog.
  • In the same post, switch from HTML to Compose and write a paragraph to the following prompt.
  • What techniques were used in the film version to enhance the story? How did they impact the story and the viewer?
  • Read and comment on at least two of your classmates' blogs.

The Tuck Family's Attitudes Toward Living Forever

  • Using MindMapr, create a web that shows how each of the Tucks, Angus, Mae, Miles, and Jesse, feel about living forever.
  • Include a quote from the text to support each characters' attitudes.
  • Export the image and save it in your ELA folder.
  • Embed the image in a blog post on your Tuck Everlasting blog.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Summary of Chapters 10-12

With a partner, discuss the main events in chapters 10-12, and write a summary of those chapters, focusing on the main events that occurred in each chapter. Write your summary in a Google doc. Include details about Mae and Angus Tuck's attitudes toward living forever, and how their attitudes are different. Conclude your summary with a statement, two or three sentences, of the central idea of these three chapters.

Embed your summary in a new post on your Tuck Everlasting blog.

Friday, November 2, 2012

MindMapr Chapters 6-9

  • Using MindMapr, write three main events each from chapters 6-9. 
  • Export your map and save it in your ELA folder on your H-drive.
  • Embed the map into a blog post.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Video Clip 1

  • After watching the video clip, use bullets to make a  list of the differences between the novel and the film version.
  • Why do you think the screenwriter, director, and/or producer of the movie decided to make these changes? Write a brief paragraph detailing your ideas.
  • Read and comment on at least two of your peers' blog posts.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Chapters 5-6

How would you have reacted if the Tucks had kidnapped you? Explain your answer in complete sentences, with details. Remember to capitalize! Use at least five (5) of your vocabulary words in your blog post. Underline the vocabulary words in your post.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chapters 2-4

Winnie Foster
  • Reread Chapter 3. Make a list of three adjectives that describe Winnie Foster. Include a detail for each adjective to show why you chose it.

The stranger arrives at the Fosters' gate.
  • Many people like to believe in magic and magical things. For example, some people might keep a magic coin or a rabbit's foot for good luck. Others might believe in astrology or fortune tellers and mediums. Winnie's grandmother believed that the music they heard the evening the stranger came to the gate was elf music. What reasons might she have for believing that? Explain your ideas in detail!

Mae Tuck
  • Mae Tuck had a special music box that she always carried with her. Do you have anything special that you always keep with you? Describe it and explain why you keep it with you. Does it bring you good luck? Is it magical?